Club rules


WCBC supports the principle that every person; spectator, surfer, club member, participant, administrator, coach, parent or member of the community involved with the sport should work to ensure the following.

  • Respect is shown towards others.

  • Respect is shown to the club.

  • Respect and protect the environmental values of the venue.

  • A safe an inclusive environment for all.

  • Elimination of violent and abusive behaviour.

  • Protection from sexual harassment or intimidation.

People who fail to meet these standards may be subject to action by the WCBC Committee.
The following Codes of Conduct give further specific direction on the standards of behaviour expected from all people involved in the club, including administrators, competitors, officials, parents and spectators.

  • At all times act in a sporting like manner with respect for the principles of fairness and common courtesy.

  • Control their temper: Verbal abuse of officials and sledging other competitors, deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are not acceptable or permitted behaviours in our sport.

  • Participate for their own enjoyment and benefit, not to please others.

  • Not discriminate against, abuse, or harass anyone else.

  • Never argue with an official.

  • Abide by the rules of competition as determined by WCBC

  • Remember that people participate in sport for their enjoyment and benefit, not yours.

  • Respect the decisions of officials and teach young people to do the same.

  • Condemn the use of violence in any form, whether it is by spectators, officials or competitors.

  • Encourage participants to follow the rules and the official’s decisions.

  • Not use foul language, sledge, or harass competitors, fellow spectators or officials.



  • Men and Women are invited to compete in the open divisions (Advanced open and/or Intermediate open).

  • 18 years and under- see below for policy.

  • If you are intermediate level you are permitted to enter the Advanced division (please contact a committee member to discuss further).

  • If you are advanced level you are not permitted to enter the Intermediate division


  • Women aged 18 years and over are permitted to enter/compete in the women's division.

  • Men are not permitted to enter the women's division.

  • All skill levels are invited to participate in the women’s division- separation into Advanced and intermediate levels will be done on a needs/event basis at the discretion of the WCBC committee


  • Cadets (ages 12- 18) & Kids (ages 5 –12) divisions. Children that are considered “top age” may be eligible to compete at a higher level if they're skilled enough. Please contact a WCBC committee member to discuss).

  • 18-year-olds may compete in the open divisions at the discretion of the WCBC committee. Please contact a committee member to make a request.

  • Parents and/or guardians are required to enter the water with children under the age of 10 to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants.

  • Parents and/or guardians are permitted to enter the water in all junior divisions on a needs basis to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants (this is subject to committee approval for children aged over 10 years to ensure fairness is maintained).